
Forced marriage - recognition and response: Frontline Briefing (2019)

Published: 01/08/2019

Author: Sanghera J


This briefing is intended primarily for frontline practitioners working in child and family social work. It aims to build confident social work and family support practice to recognise, prevent and intervene in forced marriage involving children and young people. The briefing is likely also to be of interest to other frontline practitioners who work with children and young people who may be at risk of forced marriage.

The briefing comprises seven sections:

  1. Introduction and context
  2. Differences between a forced and arranged marriage
  3. Characteristics of honour-based abuse
  4. Potential warning signs and indicators of forced marriage and honour-based abuse
  5. Responding to cases of forced marriage
  6. Forced Marriage Protection Orders
  7. Resources for practitioners, victims and survivors

Unless otherwise stated, the Karma Nirvana Survivor Ambassador Panel is the source of all case studies and survivor quotes in this briefing. Karma Nirvana is a charity founded by the author of this briefing, that advocates on behalf of victims experiencing forced marriage and honour-based abuse.

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PQS:KSS - Communication | Child and family assessment | Promote and govern excellent practice | Developing excellent practitioners | Confident analysis and decision-making

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